Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Role of Youth in National Development

My name is Ram Manohar. I am a farmer engaged in paddy cultivation as well as the Secretary of an Association of farmers. I come from Thirunellveli district in Tamil Nadu. About five kilometers from my farm land, a multinational company established a factory for producing soft drinks. The entire land around the factory to an extent of 10 Sq. km was under paddy cultivation. The entire water requirement for the company was from bore wells in the company premises.It is understood from the employees of the company that each bore well is around 1000 ft deep. Since the establishment of the factory the water availability in the bore wells in the farm land started receding. The main water source for agriculture and day to day life is from bore wells. The company apart from producing soft drinks is also producing a fertilizer as a by -product. The Agriculture Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu is marketing the fertilizer at a subsidized rate. The said fertilizer is very cheap and the farmers are using the same for paddy cultivation.However the use of fertilizer has reduced the yield. Since the past two years almost the entire bore wells in the farm land has gone dry. Hence I am unable to cultivate paddy for the last two years. Around 2000 farmers in the locality are similarly placed. The Government has appointed a study commission to look into the issue of shortage of water, reduced yield and connected issues. After enquiry the Commission recommended the immediate closing of the factory. The Government of Tamil Nadu acted on the Report and closed the factory. In the meantime the Government also framed rules for regulating bore wells.The company has wound up its entire activities in India and closed its office and its responsible persons had left India. The entire farmers in the locality under the association are on an indefinite strike. We are demanding compensation. Can we claim compensation from the Government as well as from the company. Presently the farmers have no means for their daily livelihood. Please advise us. Additional Information 1. I am sixty years old. 2. From time immemorial my family is engaged in paddy cultivation and Thirunelveli district is known as the rice bowl of Tamil Nadu. 3. I own fifteen acres of farm land. 4.The name of the company is Popsco. It is a Finnish company. 5. The company started functioning in India in the year 2005. 6. The company has 100 acres of land. 7. There are 40 bore wells in the factory premises. 8. I have three bore wells in my farmland and they have also gone dry. 9. The average depth of the bore well in the farm land of the area is 250 ft. 10. The Commission was appointed during July 2007 11. The Commission gave its report during March 2008. 12. The Commission found that the fertilizer contained high level of Cadium which has resulted in the reduced yield and that the farmlands have been contaminated. 3. The Commission also found that the water shortage was due to excess drawing of ground water by the factory. 14. The Commission found that the farm lands cannot be profitably cultivated for a minimum period of five years. 15. Fertilizers containing Cadium has been banned since 2003 in almost all parts of Europe. 16. The commission found that a minimum ten years period is required for sufficient increase in the ground water level. 17. The estimated loss of income of the farmers as per the Commission Report is five thousand Crores. 18.The commission found that the fertilizer was approved for sale bypassing statutory requirements. 19. The factory was closed during December 2009,till that time the factory was fully operational. 20. The association has given written representation for compensation to the company on October 10th 2009.  ©KERALA LAW ACADEMY MOOT COURT SOCIETY,Thiruvananthapuram ELEVENTH NATIONAL CLIENT CONSULTING COMPETITION 2010 KERALA LAW ACADEMY, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM FINAL My name is Sofia. I am a veterinary doctor and an expert in embryo transplantation technology. I am an employee of a Company in Gujarat.I joined the company on 10/05/06. The notification for selection stipulated that a five year bond has to be executed as a condition for selection. After selection I executed the bond. At the time of selection I have surrendered my entire original certificates to the company. The bond stipulated that I should work for minimum five years with the company and in case of resignation, liquidated damages of Rs ten lakhs has to be paid. Furthermore the bond contained a non – competition clause which prohibited me from working in a similar organization for ten years. All the selected candidates executed the bond.I was sent to Denmark for routine training by the company. The company has agreed to enhance the salary to all employees w. e. f 01/01/08. However the company has not yet enhanced the salary citing financial crisis. There was an offer from another company. I appeared for the interview and got selected. I was instructed to p roduce the original certificates on or before 10/02/2010. I approached my company for relieving me and also for original certificates. The company stated that I cannot be relieved as the new company is engaged in similar business. I lost the opportunity.From April the company is facing severe financial crisis. The future of the company is uncertain. Can I resign from this company and opt for another job. The company has orally informed me that they would not relieve me till the bond period is over. I am one among the ten veterinary doctors in India who are skilled in embryo transplantation and as such I have tremendous job opportunities with higher prospects. Am I entitled to claim compensation from the company for denying my opportunity? The company is threatening to sue me if I join similar institutions. Please advise me.Additional Information 1. Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Degree obtained in the year 2005. 2. The name of my Company is Gujarat Livestock Cor poration. 3. Selection was through all India written test and Interview. 4. Bond was executed on 1/05/2006. The bond has no clause allowing the company to retain my original certificates. I have the copy of the bond and the copy of the notification inviting application for the job. 5. The pay scale is Rs 16000-22000. 6. My post is Assistant Veterinary Surgeon. 7. I successfully completed the probation on10/05/08. 8.It was told that the original certificates would be returned after the probation period. 9. The proposed enhancement of salary was Rs five thousand per month. 10. The offer for the new job was from Gujarat Diary Corporation. 11. The offered post was Deputy Manager. 12. The pay scale of the new company was Rs 25000-35000. 13. Written request for relieving was made on 20/01/2010. 14. Reply to the above request was received on 28/01/2010. 15. Gujarat Diary Corporation and Gujarat Livestock Corporation are engaged in similar activities and both are promoted by the Government of Gujarat. 16.I was provided in- house training for the first six months by the company. 17. I went to Denmark on 10/05/07. Training was the same as given in the in house training and was for three months. 18. The company has spent Rs fifteen lakhs as expenses for my training in Denmark. 19. In addition I went for training to Australia for three months with the permission of my employer. Training in Australia was from 2/06/08 to 02/09/08. 20. The training in Australia was for specialization in embryo transplantation. 21. Training in Australia was on my own expenses  ©KERALA LAW ACADEMY MOOT COURT SOCIETY,Thiruvananthapuram

Educational Opportunity Program Essay

The State University of New York Educational Opportunity Program was created by the state of New York in order to provide access, academic support and financial aid to students who may not otherwise be admitted to state graduate programs. This program falls under state university guidelines within the state government so there are specific enrollment rules such as the necessity of being a New York State resident at the time of application. The website for the program is http://www.suny. edu/Student/academic_eop. cfm. Mission The mission of the State University of New York Educational Opportunity Program is to provide access to graduate level education. This program focuses on students who show promise within their chosen field but who may not have access to a graduate education. The EOP program carefully considers all applicants but gives preference to students who are ineligible for enrollment under standard guidelines and/or come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Further, the program is designed to support students financially and academically in order to give them an opportunity to complete a higher education degree while also providing the support necessary to live up to their full potential. Resources The most important resource that the State University of New York Educational Opportunity Program provides is a graduate level education. Students who are part of the program receive support services including academic, career and personal counseling services as well as tutoring and additional instruction if necessary. The EOP program also provides financial aid for non tuition related expenses such as books and school supplies. However, the most important resource that the program offers is the monetary aid necessary to enroll in and complete a graduate level course of study. Good and Services While the State University New York Educational Opportunity Program does not provide tangible goods it does provide essential services to its more than ten thousand current students as well as its over fifty thousand alumni. The purpose of the services offered is to provide the tools necessary for economically or racially disadvantaged students to complete graduate level courses of study. These services help these students overcome the educational challenges they face in order to obtain higher education and go on to live successful and productive lives. To this end, the EOP program is customized to meet the academic, career and personal needs of all students through a variety of counseling programs. Further, the services offered are designed in such a way so that students receive the support necessary to complete their degree even when facing enormous struggles. Former students report feeling as if their support mentors enabled them to believe in themselves and to never give up on their educational dreams. Conclusion I chose this program because it is a very important part of the educational success of many disadvantaged students. I believe that all people should have access to higher education but this is not always the reality. Many students face such enormous struggles that they never receive a graduate level degree. This program has enabled many students to realize their dreams of an education through financial, career, academic and personal support. References DiNapoli, Thomas P. (2007). State University of New York Educational Opportunity Program. Division of State Government Accountability. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from http://osc. state. ny. us/audits/allaudits/093008/07s99. pdf. Henehan, David. (2007). SUNY Educational Opportunity Program celebrates 40 years. The State University of New York. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from https://www. suny. edu/SUNYNews/News. cfm? PrintFlag=Y&filname=2007-11-02+final+online+EOP+turns+40+II. htm. The State University of New York. (2009). Educational opportunity program. Retrieved on April 21, 2009 from http://www. suny. edu/Student/academic_eop. cfm.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

River And Water Management Flood Control Environmental Sciences Essay

Floods are a major concern in many parts of the universe due to the many losingss experienced in clip of inundations. Therefore, flood direction techniques are really of import in countries that are prone to frequent implosion therapy. Flood direction techniques are constructions designed with the purpose of incorporating floodwater in order to command flood plains. The designing of inundation control techniques entails gauging the degrees of H2O that causes inundations and so mensurating the needed tallness that will make a on the job inundation defence. Flood defences are strong barriers that prevent H2O from deluging flood plains ( Woods & A ; Woods 2007, p.5 ) . Floods by and large occur when fluxing surface H2O spills over the keeping Bankss into dry land. Floods are a natural happening in about all river systems. Areas that are prone to deluging include those that are located downstream of dikes and low lying countries. Deluging causes huge losingss which include human and carnal life, dirt eroding, amendss of belongingss, devastation of flora and other environmental amendss. Besides, countries that are affected by inundations could besides be prone to drouths. This can even do farther loss of human and carnal lives. Flood Waterss are normally polluted with harmful bacteriums ensuing from sewerage. This means that people affected by the inundations are at greater hazards of acquiring morbific diseases ( Proverbs, et al. , 2011, p. 221 ) . However, inundations besides have positive impacts on ecosystems. One benefit from deluging includes more fresh H2O for domestic and irrigation use. Other benefits include big sedimentations of minerals and foods into affected countries. Apart from these, inundations besides help to better the status of H2O ecosystems. However, they can be considered to be the most detrimental compared to volcanic eruptions and temblors due to their frequences. Therefore, rigorous steps must be in topographic point to forestall the monolithic losingss occurred during inundations ( Gruntfest & A ; Handmer, 2001, p.12 ) . Methods used to command inundations Techniques that are applied in commanding inundations involve the version of the river environment and countries which are close to the river. Flood control techniques can be applied on the river channel, floodway or on the flood plain ( Ghosh, 1997, p.55 ) . Techniques applied in flood plains Floodplains are countries that prevarication below the inundation lift and wholly on the floodway and river channel. The bulk of techniques applied on flood plains lie far from the river but they are designed to cut down inundation harm. Levee/Floodwall around constructions This technique involves the building of a levee/floodwall about structures that are located in flood plains. Levees can either be lasting or impermanent. Construction of the levee normally requires the usage of strong, unreal or natural stuff that can digest force per unit area from the inundations ( Hyndman & A ; Hyndman, 2010, p.356 ) . The rule of utilizing levees and other barriers is to raise the tallness of constructions located in flood plains which floodwater must so mount in order cause implosion therapy. These constructions are at that place to offer protection to constructions. However, they put other constructions at a high hazard of deluging due to the so increased H2O keeping in the flood plains. Furthermore, serious harm to protected constructions can so happen when the levees are unable to keep back floodwater. This is because the force per unit area that the inundations hit the construction is highly high compared to when there is no barrier ( Green, 2004, p.36 ) . The usage of levees, butchs and floodwalls has a negative impact on the natural river procedures ( Harmancioglu, 1994, p.42 ) . Ideally, developed H2O spills should organize a natural channel which provides a manner for the inundations to flux. Therefore, levees would cut down the ability of the flood plains to treat floodwaters. The inability of the floodwaters to flux freely within the flood plains would interfere with fish in their aquatic home ground. The river would react by making other channels in order to let extra H2O to flux. The developed channels clear the backwater every bit good as cut down habitat complications ( Harmancioglu, 1994, p.43 ) . Off-stream detainment pool The chief purpose of making detainment pools in flood plains is to roll up the floodwaters once the river has reached its maximal capacity. Detention pools are constructed off from the floodway but must be within the flood plain catchment. When directing H2O into the detainment ponds it will hold an impact on cut downing the sum of H2O a river carries. This will hold a negative impact on natural river procedures due to the decrease of H2O fluxing downstream. Reduced sum of downstream flow could so do a decrease in sediment conveyance, which may take to the rise of the land degree of the channel and deposition of all right deposits. In add-on, leting H2O to flux into a detainment pool may do more H2O to flux into the pool than expected. This may take to an increased development of river channels ( Ali, 2002, p8.3 ) . Detention pools besides create new milieus for the genteelness and maturing of fish. However, the building of detainment channels must be done in a manner that creates a connexion between the pool and the mainstream so that the rivers natural environment can be maintained. Severe harm to the environment can happen when the detainment ponds break down taking to deluging in the flood plains. Techniques applied on floodway The floodway is made of river Bankss and the active channel. In general, the floodway forms the portion of land that is instantly following to the river. This piece of land allows flood Waterss to go through without raising the inundations depth upriver. One feature of floodways is the presence of little Bankss, either due to cuts made by old inundations or natural levees due to sedimentations from old floodwater ( Mambretti, 2011, p.66 ) . Reducing the bank incline This technique consists of cutting the riverside backwards to bring forth a gentler incline ( Masoudian, 2009, p.14 ) . It may affect replanting or resurfacing the bare bank utilizing stuffs afterwards. Reducing the bank incline will hold an impact on the increasing inundation transit at the channel degree due to the increased bank breadth. This normally happens because cut downing the bank incline increases the surface country of the bank channel, which so increases the volume of bank flow. However, if slope decrease is done through seting flora, it is likely that the bank stableness will be increased. This has an consequence of making a natural containment, which reduces the speed of H2O. A decrease in the speed of H2O so decreases the rates of dirt and bank eroding. Vegetation along river Bankss may besides pin down deposits within flows, which may so take to a buildup of Bankss, increasing the effectivity of Bankss in commanding inundations ( Masoudian, 2009, p.16 ) . The fact that cut downing the bank inclines so besides reduces eroding along the river Bankss has a negative impact on natural river processes. Without eroding on the river Bankss there will be a decreased sum of deposits, a decreased degree of wood dust and a decreased sum of channel migration. Therefore, the eroding happening of course along river Bankss is critical in keeping an active balance within river systems. Aquatic home grounds will besides be affected ; cut downing bank inclines has a negative impact of uncluttering countries where fish may hole up during the twenty-four hours in order to be safe from marauders. Juvenile fish normally hide in undercut river Bankss doing it an indispensable constituent of an aquatic home ground ( Masoudian, 2009, p.17 ) . Reinforcing riversides This technique involves adding supportive stuff to riverbanks in order to increase their stableness and in defying inundation flows. The most normally used support method involves seting natural flora as it acts as a stabilizer and increases the ability of riversides to command inundations. Planting flora on riversides can be done through hydro seeding, which involves assorted methods to add a mixture of H2O, fertiliser and seeds into riversides. The deep-rooted seeds will so turn and organize a huge web of root systems. The root system helps in keeping the dirt together, which so strengthens the riversides. The other method used to present works stuff on riversides is manus seting. In this technique, mature workss are inserted into riversides to go on with their growing ( Stokes, et al. , 2007, p.50 ) . Planting mature workss has the advantage of supplying immediate protection against inundations through flow decrease. The other method involves the usage of works mats, which are either natural or man-made stuffs implanted with works seeds and fertilisers. The mats are so spread on the riversides, and so the lacrimation procedure follows to let the seeds to shoot and back up the undermentioned growing. Apart from watering the works mats, continued instabilities in the river degree can assist in sprouting and back uping growing ( Beek, et al. , 2008, p.33 ) . The chief impact of presenting workss along river Bankss is the formation of strong riversides that can defy force per unit area from fluxing H2O. The other impact is the bar of enhanced channel migration. Floods that may happen along Bankss with sufficient works stuff may be less terrible compared to those happening in countries without works stabilizers. The usage of works stabilizers provides a durable solution to command of inundations. This technique besides offers an environmental friendly method of inundation control, which is easy to keep. Continued additions of flora along riversides additions channel raggedness and reduces the H2O speed. The usage of workss besides comes with the advantage of supplying nutrient for the aquatic life in the protected rivers. Fish may besides happen a natural home ground in the huge root system generated by workss ( Beek, et al. , 2008, p.34 ) . Gabions Gabions are constructed utilizing wire mesh baskets that are filled with rocks of two-six inches. Like workss, gabions are meant to beef up river Bankss, which boost ‘s the river Bankss ability to defy force per unit area from fluxing H2O. However, for gabions to be effectual workss should be added to them. Gabions besides deteriorate in clip, which means that replacings are required when they stop working decently. The usage of gabions reduces the natural eroding that occurs along riversides. This so reduces the sum of deposits delivered to downstream home grounds. In add-on, flows that are deflected by the gabions may make new river channels ( Mascarenhas, 2011, p.82 ) . Gabions besides lead to an addition in H2O speed, which has the disadvantage of cut downing the sum of backwater that is indispensable for the endurance of fish and other aquatic life. Well-designed gabions may function as a dependable beginning for engendering crushed rock every bit good as home grounds for aquatic life. Techniques applied along the river channel Sediment trap/mining This technique involves unearthing or dredging a depression on the river bottom. Construction of deposit traps requires the proper appraisal of deposit burden within a river in times of implosion therapy. Care of sediment traps require continued excavation of deposits after every serious inundation event. Sediment excavation reduces the sum of deposit sedimentations in the river channel, which in bend increases the channel volume every bit good as the inundation transit. Removing deposits could merely hold a short term impact of improved inundation transit because of the continued deposition of deposits downstream. Therefore, continued remotion of deposits is necessary to forestall incidences of implosion therapy ( Mascarenhas, 2011, p.105 ) . Removal of deposits within the river channel affects natural river processes. One consequence of deposit excavation is the alteration of the channel morphology. Any alterations in the channel morphology affect the manner the H2O flow and the river bed interact with each other. Removing deposits from the river channel changes the channel gradient. These alterations so have farther impacts on the gradient both upstream and downstream. An addition in the gradient in one location of the river may take to the formation of a â€Å" 5 point † or otherwise known as a â€Å" nick point † . This leads to increased eroding in the channel, which extends to a point where the gradient is stable or where there is bedrock resistant to eroding ( Raudkivi, 1993, p.35 ) . The remotion of deposits affects aquatic home grounds in several ways. When all right deposits are removed, there is a creative activity of a spawning home ground for a assortment of fish species. On the other manus, remotion of engendering crushed rock reduces the degree of engendering home grounds ( Raudkivi, 1993, p.41 ) . Flow realignment This technique of inundation control involves the excavation of new and deeper channels on the river bed but with a different place compared to the bing channels. When flow realignment is done to increase inundation transit, there is a decrease in frequence and badness of inundations. Flow realignment creates different constructions for the river flow. This interferes with natural river processes both upstream and downstream. The most important impact of flow realignment is evidently on aquatic home grounds. The usage of heavy equipment to do flow realignments creates perturbations on the river bed ; this alters bing aquatic home grounds. Therefore, use of flow realignment techniques needs thorough appraisal of possible impacts on the aquatic ecosystem ( Fleming, 2002, p.47 ) . Word Count: 2,108

Monday, July 29, 2019

Kertesz and Cartier-Bresson versus Smith and Salgado Essay

Kertesz and Cartier-Bresson versus Smith and Salgado - Essay Example Salgado and Smith’s photographs seemed to always appear a little bit more obvious, like portraits. The photos are more scripted and it appears that they manipulate their subjects so that they could enhance their photographs to better tell the story. However, in the sense of journalism, it is questionable whether or not it is ethical to tell a story through photographs in methods that are ‘staged’ to be a little bit different than real life. All four photographers were able to capture a story and display a type of emotion with their subject. After evaluating the techniques, if these photographers were photojournalists, it is more ethical to capture a moment as it happens when true emotion is elicited and showing how something really is as it happens. Cartier-Bresson and Kertesz were better at this method because Salgado and Smith’s photography seemed to be too fake or staged rather than capturing a moment truly as it

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Questions about Asia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Questions about Asia - Assignment Example In a family, it is the number of persons divided by the available arable land. Rate of natural population increase refers to the total birthrates minus the total death rates in a given population. In a family setting, the rate increases with a figure and decline if the figure is negative. Doubling time refers to the period required to achieve a double population growth rate. Doubling time involves dividing the growth rate percentage into 70. A growth rate of 3.5 shows a doubling time of 20 years. Gobi desert, a cold desert and the fifth largest in the world is Asia’s largest desert (Man 8). The desert constitutes of bare rocks unlike many other deserts that are sandy. The desert has a historic treasure for fossils, pre-historic tools and early dinosaur eggs. Gobi desert has extreme environment with temperatures of over 100 degrees in summer and below – 40 degrees in winter. The desert has rapid climatic changes and little rainfall. The desert homes many animals and drought resistant shrubs. Gobi is semi desert and desert and is expanding at a high rate. The desert has a history of human habitation by mostly nomads. The desert has strong dusty winds during the fall and spring and has a water oasis. Gobi is a Mongolian name which means ‘very large and dry’. The Himalaya Mountains block the desert from receiving enough rainfall (Man 10). Taklimakan desert is a dry and hot desert. It is the largest in China and has vast salt accumulation. The desert is sandy and contains crescent shaped sand dunes that can reach 300 meters high. This desert is one of the world’s largest shifting sand deserts. The desert has frigid temperatures. The desert is moving to the neighboring areas due to a shift in the sand caused by strong winds. South Asia has several mountains examples being Himalayas and Mount Everest. The Himalaya Mountains are the highest in the world. The

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Initial Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Initial Market - Essay Example The latter poses the most difficult challenge as it requires creativity and a real close look at what consumers want. One issue that can be addressed is the combination packaging of products for the 1 million male cigar and cigarette customers who use both products. We can obtain some information from this segment in terms of cigar to cigarette use ratios, to provide the most desirable product combination. Branding efforts of cigarette products should continue to focus on the retailers who will likely sell higher volumes of product. Data from each retailer and customers who purchased our cigarette brand have disclosed the amount of sales volume we can expect at each location. Survey research efforts have provided information regarding target segments. In addition to the 1 million male cigar/cigarette smokers, the 10 million smokers in Britain come from all geographic regions, with highest concentrations in urban areas. The largest age group is 18-34, almost equally male and female, w ith construction, production and service jobs being the most reported occupations. Though many in the 35-55 age group have ceased to purchase tobacco products, this segment still contains a significant portion of cigarette consumers, as the largest segment of the general population. population. For the youngest age group cost and convenience are the main reasons for selecting brand, though recognition is another important factor as well. This group selects brand products based on exposure or influence. As peers share products and discuss products they expose others to product brands. Promotional activities for this age group should include referral bonuses and similar programs. Registration cards are sent or given to consumers who have already provided survey information. Three detachable coupons are given to friends so they can go to a retail location for a free pack of cigarettes. The customer is also entitled to one free pack for their efforts. Such activities will help to increase brand awareness. Our brand should be priced just below competitors, to urge repeated purchase and imprint the brand on this age group. "Pricing and price related promotions are among the most important marketing tools employed by tobacco companies" (Chaloupka, et al). Though this may be true in the introductory phase, future efforts should focus on brand image and availability as they are long term factors that affect buyers. The 35-55 age group is a tougher market. Smokers is this segment will likely have tried several brands. While price is a factor, taste and availability are the most important considerations. Market saturation, with placement of products in the most frequented retailers should be the main focus. Preliminary market research data suggests that our brand satisfies consumers at a moderately high level, within the 1-5 ratings system used. Availability is also important. Those established with families and careers often don't Have time to search for desired brands. Our research data also indicated that many in this segment frequent retailers located along routes to and from work. Proper distribution also improves brand recognition. "The marketer doesn't just need to tell people about the product, but also to ensure that it is priced, distributed and engineered correctly In this context, "correctly" means in a way that meets the needs of the customer" (Hastings, MacFayden &Eadie). Meeting the needs of customers in a relatively saturated market is difficult. However, opportunity exists for unique offerings that are generally provided by specialty tobacco companies. In Greece, tobacco use

Friday, July 26, 2019

How have existing fiscal mechanisms (rules and practices) tried to Essay

How have existing fiscal mechanisms (rules and practices) tried to overcome or alleviate a "tragedy of the commons" dilemma - Essay Example Practically, though, it is not easy to ascertain whether the most favorable size of government has been achieved. Although, the provision of services and public goods can promote growth, revenue-raising mechanisms and inefficient provision of services and goods can impede growth (Schick 1998, p18). Evidence from Central Asia and Europe lists factors such as fiscal consolidation and budget deficits, size of government, quality governance, and composition of taxes and expenditure as some factors that affect fiscal growth. In this regard, public fiscal systems play a huge role in economic growth of any country. Enacting a stable fiscal position need a sustainable fiscal consolidation. In most cases, these have to be recurrent. Indeed, they are largely considered as a basic characteristic of the evolution of the market. Such consolidations are undertaken across Central Asia and Europe, albeit with relative degrees of success (Berthà ©lemy & Varoudakis 1996, p72). Fiscal growth for any country would require successful financial adjustment. On the other hand, unsustainable financial consolidation is counterproductive and can sometimes discourage investor confidence since they fail to establish sound financial position for the government (Scartascini 2004, P37). Sustainable government adjustments are required to create long-lasting financial space for expenses that propagate growth. Indeed, evidence from financial bodies such as the Organization of Economic Co-operation and development suggest that make-up of financial adjustment is paramount for fiscal sustainability (Berthà ©lemy & Varoudakis 1996, p12). Consolidations, which heavily rely on, tax cuts and increases in public ventures have been unsustainable while consolidations with structural reforms in their public expenditure reforms have lasting effects and financial growth by extension. Perhaps this is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financial Management (Currency Risk Management) Essay

Financial Management (Currency Risk Management) - Essay Example Suppose a U.S tourist flies from New York to London then to Paris then to Munich and finally back to New York. When he arrived at London’s Heathrow Airport, he goes to the bank to check the foreign currency listing. The rate he observed for US dollar is $1; this means that $1 will cost him â‚ ¬ 0.6814. Assume that he changed $2000 for â‚ ¬1362.8 and enjoys a week vacation in London, spending â‚ ¬500 while there are saving â‚ ¬862.8. At the end of the week, he travelled to Dover to catch the Hovercraft to Calais on the coast of France and realizes that he needs to exchange his â‚ ¬862.8 remaining Euro for Swiss francs. However what he sees on the board is the direct quotation between Euro and dollar and indirect quotation between franc and dollars. The exchange rate between any two currencies is called the cross rate. Cross rates are actually calculated on the basis of various currencies relative to the USD$. For example the cross rate between Euro and French fra nc is computed as follows:Therefore for every Euro he would receive 0.009923 Swiss franc and arrives at Czech Koruna, he again needs to determines a cross rate. This time between Swiss franc and Czech Koruna to find the cross rate he must divide the two dollar basis rate.First, we assume that our traveller had to calculate the entire cross rates. For retail transactions it is customary to display the cross rate directly instead of a series of dollar rate. Second, we assume that exchange rate remain constant over time. Actually exchange rates vary every day, often dramatically.

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity - Essay Example The mind of human beings causes sickness; the cause of diseases is internal, not external. In addition, Buddhists believe that human actions (Karma), whether bad or good, can lead to problems in the future. Negative actions can arise in the future thus leading to sickness while the positive actions lead to happiness and prosperity. For Buddhists, healing sicknesses begins when an individual engages in positive actions. Consequently, the mind should be mind should get rid of the negative Karmic spirits that may lead to sicknesses (Hawter, 2012). A Critical component of healing in Buddhism faith includes beliefs (in doing what is right). Human beings must be responsible for their actions. In addition, the Buddhist believes that doing positive actions to others can prevent future illnesses. Every human being has the power to control their destiny by doing what is good. Bad actions will only lead to sickness and sufferings (Hawter, 2012). When being cared for by people from other faiths, Buddhist stress on the need to guarantee quality care that cannot lead to future health problems. For Buddhist, actions should be positive, health care providers from other faiths must ensure that they get standard care that can heal the diseases (Hawter, 2012). ... The Shinto are deeply connected to nature that to scientific means of healing human beings. In addition, the Shinto believes that sickness is caused by the weakening of immune system by the spirits. The healing process begins by the removal of grievances that are not pleasing to the spirits. They often seek for spirits support when they want to get healed from certain diseases (Lotus, 2012). The most critical component of healing is in meditation. Human beings must honor the spirits which live on mountains, rovers and trees in order to get well. In addition, for human beings to get purification from the spirits, they must offer sacrifices, pray, and engage in a symbolic feast. The main aim of purification is to remove ‘dust’ which leads to human -spirit conflicts (Lotus, 2012). The people of Shinto consider their spirits and gods to be the most important when being cared for by health care providers from other faiths. In addition, they believe that the Goddess known as t he Amaterasu, recommended that human beings should worship the mirror. Such beliefs in the goddess lead to refusal of care from other health care providers who do not share in their beliefs (Lotus, 2012). Baha’i Perspective on Healing The Baha’i people believe that health care providers serve God wile engaging in health care practices. Providing quality services to patients is one of the ways in which human beings praise God. In addition, the Baha’i people believe in medicine, however, they also believe in divine healing where human beings can engage in prayers. Consequently, they hold the belief that there is a direct relationship between spiritual condition and the health of human beings. Human beings are required to offer prayers to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Content Area Instruction and SDAIE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Content Area Instruction and SDAIE - Essay Example Such equality, at learning institutions, can be tackled if educators offer well-designed assistance to their ELLs (Math Solutions, 2009). This paper will discuss the challenges English Language Learners face while trying to learn mathematics. A lot of educators share the misconception or myth that because mathematics applies a lot of symbols, then the subject is not associated or connected to any culture or language (Haynes, 2011). A majority of educators also supposed that mathematics is ideal for facilitating the changeover of recent immigrant learners into English instructions. To their disbelief, language has a significant role in learning mathematics. Educators apply language so as to explain mathematical ideas, as well as carry out mathematical procedures. When solving mathematical problems, students use specialized vocabulary such as subtraction, addition, sum and addend. Mathematics researchers have discovered that learners widen their math understanding through using languag e, as well as echoing on the concepts, which will cement their understanding. When students discuss their mathematical reasoning, it can assist them in improving their capability of reasoning logically (Haynes, 2011). The challenge or hurdle of teaching math to these ELLs lies not just in making mathematics comprehensible to the learners, but also in making sure that the learners have the language required to understand/interpret instructions. The challenge also lies in the fact that is it tedious to assist ELLs to express their understanding of mathematical concepts both in writing and orally (Math Solutions, 2009). English Language Learners have a duty of learning content, as well as English as a second language, at the same time. It is, therefore, difficult for them to understand both the content, as well as language objectives. Language can never occur if ELLs center only on subject matter, and same is the case for content knowledge. It can never occur if ELLs center only on und erstanding the English language. Another challenge that ELLs might face while studying mathematics is trying to understand unknown vocabulary. For instance, English Language Learners might become puzzled during a discussion or debate in case the math vocabulary has diverse meanings in its daily application. Such words include even, function and odd among others (Math Solutions, 2009). The ELLs might also be puzzled further than before when a similar math operation is signaled with various math terms for instance plus, and, add, sum or combine. A phrase such as "left" will be confusing to an ELL when used in a mathematical operation to ask how many individuals are "left". The ELL might confuse this left – remain – with the directional left. The phrases "whole" and "sum" also can create confusion since they carry nonmathematical homonyms – hole and some (Simmons, 2012). Another challenge is with a partial understanding of grammar and syntax. For instance, mathemat ical queries are frequently set in a language, which makes the problem difficult or unclear for the student. Such matter is explained below: John bought four bags of mangoes with eight mangoes in each bag. How many mangoes did John buy? The above problem employees both present and past participles of the irregular verb "to buy" in a single question. This might be difficult for an ELL to understand since they are not well in English. Another

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Should the federal government provide health care to all American Term Paper

Should the federal government provide health care to all American citizens - Term Paper Example Talking about the American healthcare system and the medical insurance in the US, it is necessary to mention that the poorest layers of the society have to stay behind the amenities of the democratic life. Even though people are American citizens, the norms of the Constitution do not refer to them, strange as it may seem. As one of the richest countries dedicated to the standpoints of democracy, the United States should never go without providing people with basic and advanced healthcare. Otherwise, it shows its underdevelopment in this field. The overall opinion on this matter is as follows: â€Å"A June 12-16, 2009 poll shows that 64% of Americans say health care should be a right† (ProCon 1). It makes everyone believe in the public urge for equality in terms of healthcare prospects. On the other hand, the opponents of the healthcare for all Americans might think that working hard should be the main basis for letting people get their medical coverage and proceed on healthcar e services. The thing is that the followers of the capitalistic way of living think that if the federal government assigns the universal right for healthcare, it will lead to the use of tax revenues for masses which is like in the socialist way of living (ProCon 1). However, the United States is still a huge and the main debtor to the world countries and to China (socialist country), in particular. Hence, it should be a reminder for the officials in their tries to get the life better for the electorate. The question is that it is really a disgrace to the United States when 46 million people are uncovered with medical insurance (Phillips and Bostian 136). In the world arena, America seems not so attractive when people from other countries see a low rate of social guarantees for all citizens. On the other side, all American talks on the democracy which should touch upon every country of the world render null in this case. In fact, Americans have encountered the perils of the bureaucra cy in the federal government letting all ordinary people cast adrift. Neither Clinton nor Obama was apt at introducing the healthcare reform in the short run. This is why Americans covered by the insurance feel anxiety about their future: â€Å"All Americans now expect Medicare to be there for them when they reach the age threshold, or if they become disabled, and use this knowledge in their financial planning† (Levine 31). Hence, when the officials talk about that not all Americans get insurance, it makes the public opinion right opposite to the idea of the appropriate Medicaid knowing that healthcare is the largest industry in the country employing 14 million people (ProCon 1). By and large, behind the healthcare, there might stand people with solely commercial interests going apart from the human ideals of democracy. To say more, the US healthcare system should be re-evaluated first. Needless to say, to make reforms come true, the officials are to think of their promises b efore the electorate. However, one of the main impediments to the universal healthcare system is â€Å"the unnecessary fragmentation of the US delivery system† (Shi and Singh 2). In this respect along with the overall desire of officials and ordinary people to make the universal healthcare delivery system possible, the US federal government

Monday, July 22, 2019

Project Management Processes for a Project Essay Example for Free

Project Management Processes for a Project Essay In the pursuit to deliver exceptional product software for internal users of the company, the selection of an appropriate process methodology is imperative. One of the departments noticed that the input data in the company’s internal systems did not reflect the actual data in other department systems. A project team was developed to create a new upgraded system that will sustain data from both departments successfully and accurately. The project scope of the project was to focus on the characteristics of each department particulars and merge into a workable system. The project posed certain obstacles that made the decision to which methodology processes to implement an important one. Some of these obstacles were one of the department’s incoming data that did not take the same route compared to other departments to enter the main database. This posed a problem to making sure that the updated software was able to obtain and sustain the data correctly. In addition, the findings had concluded that this particular issue was one of the main reasons for the discrepancies in the old system. The actual discrepancies of data incoming into the old system automatically would cause misrepresentation across all departments that ended up causing quite of confusion. Therefore, the need to use the appropriate process is critical to ensure that the most difficult obstacles unknowns to most would need to be addressed effectively. The process chosen was from the Project Management Institute that uses the concept of Initiate- Plan – Execute – Control – Close to complete the project. The PMI process demonstrated all the areas of focus to better identify, resolve and complete the needed tasks successfully. The usage of the processes created an opportunity to interact with the team members more directly on specific areas that are yet defined. Due to the complex implementation of technology software that needed to communicate data from two different vantage points, the PMI processes methodology allowed for means to dissect certain components effectively. The first stage of the PMI processes to initiate is actually a way to develop a research agenda, in order, to detect any unforeseen issues or concerns. The research is an area that allows all team members to address certain concerns of the project. The IT department played a pivotal role in providing their vantage point of the technology side for a measure to meet in the final analysis. The research initiative provided an opportunity to see thru the different points of view from a technical aspect that could be misinterpreted thru a different means of project processes. The research format provides the initiation to deter any misconception previously connected to the IT department or other departments that could create road-blocks. The PMI process to beginning with the initiating of the project allows for the identification of all criteria’s leading up to subsequent phases. Therefore, the activity definition went hand in hand with the research portion of the project because it reinforces the identification of the desired deliverables to stakeholders. Thereafter the focus on planning allows for the findings from the research to be a smooth transition to designate on whom, what, and when to go further. The actual planning stage assists in being able to separate the tasks from the dependent tasks to ensure completion of the deliverables. The planning stages reinforce the documented data thru the initiation for any pitfalls in successfully implementing a major system upgrade that will support over 5,000 employees. The planning phase guarantees that the next phase of execution by the team members will be conducted in an orderly process due to the initiation on researching the project. Furthermore, the control phase will secure a means to not go over budget on a major and complex project due to initiation previously set in place. The close of the project will assist in the control phases due to the ability to pull all resources together in a timely matter and on target.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Becoming an Assertive Nurse | Reflection

Becoming an Assertive Nurse | Reflection Lorna Bennett The Assertive Nursing Student In this reflection paper, I will relate my experience of an incident that helped me to be more assertive, compassionate, and confident in my skills. I will be using the Gibbs model of reflection to write this paper. Gibbs model (1988) refers to the key processes within reflection itself, rather than as reflection as a process within general learning. The cyclical model, or more accurately a functional framework for reflective study, assumes repetitive experiential contexts and is split into six key areas. These areas are event description, feeling, and thoughts; evaluation, analysis; conclusion and action plan (Gibbs, 1988) Event Description In my second clinical placement, I was working in a general medicine unit of Grey Nuns Hospital. I was assigned to care for Karl (pseudonym). Karl was a delightful 82-year-old male, admitted with AECOPD (Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Karl’s eldest daughter, Lisa (pseudonym) had dedicate her life to perform the duties of the primary caregiver and is an active participant with medical care and planning his daily needs. Both Karl and Lisa had no hesitation in welcoming me as a student to participate in Karl’s care. During my head to toe assessment, Lisa was constantly commenting on what she thinks was the â€Å"best way† to perform nursing tasks for Karl. That left me feeling bullied and distraught, as Lisa was always questioning my head to toe assessment and nursing care. She did not allow me to perform my assessment and nursing care because she was always intervening by directing negative comments about my skill and offered clues on how it should be performed instead. I tried to explain to her my role and the importance of the head to toe assessment, but she kept telling me an expert such as a Doctor or Registered Nurse and not a Student Nurse in his second year should do the assessment. This feeling of inadequacy arose partly because of Lisa’s strong assertion of being the patient’s daughter and sole primary care giver. Feeling and Thoughts Nurses are responsible for providing safe, competent, and ethical nursing care to patients, when conflict arises between families and nurses; building trust through relational practice approach becomes difficult in developing the nurse-patient relationship. I found it difficult to provide care as my beliefs and values were tested, I felt as if I did not belong in that situation and that nursing was not the profession for me. Mitchell (2001) suggests that nurses need to examine their own moral development and the theories that guide their practice. She further explains that when nurses choose theories that enhance their ethical practice, â€Å"the confidence that comes from that choosing will help nurses have the courage to act according to the realities that each person and family brings to the situation† (p. 113). I told my buddy nurse about Lisa’s assertive and demanding behavior. My buddy nurse also talked to Lisa about my concerns and told her that I should be treated with respect just as everyone in the health team and that I was of great help to Karl. I also spoke to my instructor on what had transpired during my first meeting with the patient, and how Lisa made me feel as though I lack self-confidence in my skill level. She suggested that we speak to Lisa about it together. My instructor talked to Lisa quietly in Karl’s room, and asked her why she was so uncomfortable with me doing the assessment and providing care for her dad. Lisa looked quite upset, she said she feels that a second year nursing student should not conduct such an assessment, as we are not experienced to identify certain health issues. My instructor discussed the importance of the head to toe assessment with her, and told her I was competent to perform the assessment, as I was educated in school to do so. I also strived to incorporate a holistic approach to the patient, in which the health care team, family, and the patient can benefit from the best nursing care possible. However, for once in my nursing career, I felt as though my practice was not safe, competent and welcomed. Evaluations. The incident was extremely challenging for me. I thought that I should have acted on my critical thinking skills earlier. However, I am pleased that Lisa had partially agreed with me to perform the skills. This incident has taught me the importance of acting assertively and not to be bullied into one’s beliefs and values and to focus more on the patient’s concerns. On reflection, I realized that I was practicing from the stance of my nursing skills, while at the same time concentrating on not making mistakes; I strayed from my relational connection with Karl and Lisa. Though I tried my best to create a rapport with Lisa, I find it challenging to pursue as she was focused on her beliefs and values rather than the care myself and the health team are providing. She commented negatively on every aspect of nursing care performed by myself. I realize that her negativity stems from her lack of knowledge of medical terms, AECOPD, and the rationale on why care is being provided. Valentine (1995) states, â€Å"This disappointment and vulnerability can be particularly severe when bullying is involved, and the victims of bullying need high levels of assertiveness to allow them to resist the associated stress. Hence, in general nurses use conciliation and escape as methods of coping with bullying and conflicts (p. 145). Analysis During that week of practicum, I felt that I became more confident in my assessment. However, when I was confronted during my first head to assessment with Lisa, I was unable to provide a clear rationale on why I was performing my assessment the way it was, despite being competent in my skills. This affected my confidence because I was focused on doing my assessment correctly and lacked assertiveness when it mattered. Lisa was consistently critical of my head to toe assessment. I had sought out both my buddy nurse and instructor to confirm that my skill level was acceptable. I realized that lack of confidence was not skill related, but my inability to communicate the evidence-based reason to perform my assesment skill under constant pressure from Lisa. That placed me into a position where I looked like I was incompetent to perform my head to toes and other nursing care. Conclusion During, this ordeal, I was able to reflect on my practice, identify my weakness in confidence, and be proactive to seek out assistance from my buddy nurse and instructor in allowing me to develop my skill level as a student. I was also able to be more assertive when confronting Lisa. Assertiveness is a means, which can be used to work against bullying, improve stressful situations, and enhance empowerment (Fulton, 1997). Through a collaborative effort with my buddy nurse and instructor, I was able to clarify that my assertiveness, not my assessment skill level or knowledge base was not the reason rather my inability to effectively communicate when put under pressure, which in turn led to a lack of confidence in my skill and knowledge. Action Plan I recognize that assertiveness is an important aspect of nursing practice and has a huge impact on ensuring the well-being of the patient is maintained. It is evident that my lack of confidence in my own ability when pressured by Lisa contributed to my feelings of being bullied and incompetentence. I have learned to be more assertive after that incident by implementing critical thinking and effective communication. That experience has made me more assertive when interacting with staff, patients, and families in this current rotation in Nurs 277. References Fulton, Y., 1997. Nurses’ views on empowerment: a critical social theory perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing 26 (3), 529–536. Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford Further Education Unit, Oxford. Mitchell, G. J. (2001). Struggling in change: From the traditional approach to Parse’s theory- based practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3 (4), 110-116. Valentine, P.E., 1995. Management of conflict: do nurses/women handle it differently? Journal of Advanced Nursing 22 (1), 142–149.

Tobacco Industry: Demand And Supply

Tobacco Industry: Demand And Supply The following essay helps us know what demand and supply concept and that we are explaining with the example of cigarette industry. And we have also mentioned the factors affecting the demand and supply for cigarettes in the market. The essay also includes the income effect, impact of close substitutes and compliments, and also the price and income elasticity of the product of the industry. A cigarette is a product consumed through smoking and manufactured out of cured and finely cut tobacco leaves and reconstituted tobacco, often combined with other additives,[1] then rolled or stuffed into a paper-wrapped cylinder (generally equal to 100 mm in length and 10 mm in diameter). Rates of cigarette vary widely. While rates of smoking have leveled off or declined in the developed nations, they continue to rise in developing nations. Cigarettes are the most frequent source of fires in private homes and the European Union willing to ban cigarettes that are not fire-safe by 2011. Fixing the price of a product is a very important factor for an organisation and the product success. Organizations look at the effective demand (demand) and effective supply (supply) of a product to set the best price to generate the maximum revenue for the organisation. If the price of the product increases or decrease then it can affect the demand of the product. As the price of a good rises less will be demanded, and if the price falls more will be demanded (Philp Galt, 2009, Lecture Notes, p: 2). The increase or decrease in price can happen due to the either external or internal or both environments of the organisation. The major companies that are the major share holders of the UK market are 1. Gallaher Group Ltd with the 37.90% of the market share. 2. Imperial Tobacco Ltd with the 35.40% of the market share. 3. Rothmans Ltd with the 18.20% of the market share. The other have the market share of 3.80% and the private label are of 4.70% holds the market share respectively. (Data monitors, 2005) Demand of a product or service can be defined as the amount of a particular economic good or service that a consumer or group of consumers will want to purchase at a given price over a specific period of time. The demand is usually downward sloping, since consumers will want to buy more as the price decreases. Demand for a good or service is determined by different factors other than price, such as the price of substitute goods and complementary goods. In extreme cases, demand may be completely unrelated to price, or nearly infinite at a given price (in the case of the tobacco industry) (Beardshaw, 1991). According to Philp, Dan and Galt (2009) it could be deduced that demand relative to the tobacco industry is caused by a number of aspects in which the key driver is the price of the cigarettes. As a result, for a cigarette (t) the quantity demanded (QtD) represents a function of its price (pt), individual customer (n) income levels (Y1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Yn), other forms of substitutes like electronic cigarettes and herbal cigarettes (r1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦rt-1) and other external factors (E) such as labour, raw material. Then, demand within the tobacco industry can be represented as QtD = f (pt, Y1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Yn, r1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦rt-1, E) Being consistent with this, influential demand in economics (tobacco industry) would be hard to figure the quantity demanded due to the number of determinants required to make-up the cigarette packets price and quantity, therefore, it is assumed that all factors are held constant and the market (quantity demanded) is analysed as a function of packet price. So the quantity demanded QtD = f (pt, Y1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Yn, r1à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦rt-1, E) Graphically illustrated will be Following the above figure, managers would be able to depict that the higher the price of the cigarette packets in the industry, the lower the demand for it. Consequently prices will have to move from p0 to p1 in order to increase demand from q0 to q1. Consider two extreme cases. Suppose the price of all cigarettes rises by 1 per cent. The quantity of cigarettes demanded will not affect that much. People who can easily quit smoking have already done so. In contrast, suppose the price of a particular brand of cigarettes rises by 1 per cent, all other brand prices remaining unchanged. We expect a much larger quantity response. Consumers switch from the dearer brand to other brands that also satisfy the nicotine habit. For a particular cigarette brand the demand elasticity is quite high. From the above figure it can be noted that the same $1 tax has a much larger impact on quantity when demand is more elastic than when it is inelastic. Elasticity is the responsiveness of one variable (e.g. demand) to a change in another (e.g. price). This concept is fundamental to understanding how market works. The more elastic variable is, the more responsive the market to changing circumstances (Sloman, 2005). The law of demand states that a fall in the price of a good raises the quantity demanded. The price elasticity of demand measures how much the quantity demanded responds to a change in price. (Mankiw, 1998) Cigarette consumption is totally found to be negatively related to price. As far the result of the test, surveys and the studies done before, there result says that increase in price on cigarettes are not that much affected on the demand of it. Many economists viewed that cigarette smoking is illogical and therefore not suitable for usual economic analysis. They believe that demand for cigarettes does not follow the basic law of economics including the downward-sloping demand curve. Findings on how demand for cigarettes changes as consumers income increases is inconsistent. From a number of studies it found that income has either negative effect or insignificant effect on the demand of cigarettes. As far as the government and other health concern trust are trying to stop smoking in public place and in the private work sites because it is very harmful for other who is non smoker and it is not environmental friendly (Bradford, 2003, Vol 9). Government at all levels are adopting the policies to limit smoking. Government also banned that it the customer should be above a legal age to buy the cigarettes. World health organisation survey of smoking control policies in lot of countries indicated that the mostly all the countries have adopted policies to limit smoking in public places. Although the restrictions are primarily intended to reduce non-smokers, they can also affect the smokers since the restrictions reduce the smokers opportunities to smoke or otherwise raise the cost of smoking (Reuijl Leeflang, 1985, Vol 49). Cigarettes was the one of the most advertised and promoted product in the world. But due to some controversial issues many countries restrict it. While some other countries have few restrictions, others ban advertising and promotion completely. Due to the restriction on the advertising and the promotion the demand of the cigarette industry was affected. A lot of new opportunities of the new organization to enter are hard. And the new customers or consumers are decreased. And due to this there is less increase in the quantity of the young generation. Cigarettes are been long been taxed by the government and due to this there is rise in the price in some countries. Taxes are varying from country to country and the price also. The inelastic demand off the product makes good revenue for the government. But in recent taxation has been applied to cigarettes are in order to health. Cigarette taxes in some countries such as the United States have been imposed by various levels of government, national, state and local level. Governments in nearly every country impose taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. One of the major factors that affect the demand for any product is due to the substitutes. The more substitutes, the more elastic the demand will be. For example, if the price of petrol went up by  £0.25, consumers could replace public transport. This means that petrol is an elastic good because a raise in price will cause a large decrease in demand as consumers start travelling by the public transport more from private transport. The rise of the fuel price can affect the automobile industry. This factor is also known as the invisible hand (Adam Smith Cited in Mishan, 1993, p 91) which is affected from the variation of the other product or substitutes which affects the main product demand in the market. For the tobacco industry the invisible hand factor is not that much affected but the competition in the market within the industry is high. If the price of alcohol goes up as a whole, there will be probably a little change in the consumption of beer and other products because there are only few substitutes for alcohol. Most people are not willing to give up their enjoyment at any cost and even the alcohol is used in several medicines also so no matter what the price is the consumption of alcohol will be not affected by the substitutes. Therefore, we would say, that alcohol is an inelastic product because of its lack of substitutes. So we can say that a product is elastic in the industry but the complete industry tends to be inelastic. This is the second factor that effects the demand elasticity and it refers the total amount of a person that can be spend on a particular product or good. Like, if the price of a chocolate goes up from  £1 to  £2 and income of the customer remains the same, the amount that is available to spend on chocolate is for e.g.  £4, is now enough for only 2 rather than 4 chocolates. In other words, the customer is forced to reduce the demand of chocolate. Thus if there is an increase in price and no change in the amount of income available to spend on the product then there will be an elastic reaction in demand. But in cigarette industry it is not that much affected because of the addiction of the consumer. Time is the third factor which influences the demand elasticity. If the price of packet of cigarette goes up  £1, a smoker with a very few available substitutes will continue buying the daily cigarettes. It means that cigarettes have inelastic demand because the changes in price will not have a great influence on the quantity demanded. But if the customer or consumer finds that they are not capable or cannot afford to spend the increased amount then they will definitely try to quit it but in a long run. Then for that customer price elasticity of cigarettes becomes elastic in the long run. If quantity demanded is completely unaffected by a price change, then If the absolute value of the elasticity of demand is less than 1 at some point, we say that demand is inelastic at that point (Varian, 2006, P 282). You would say that demand is perfectly inelastic at that price, to reflect the fact that quantity demanded is completely unresponsive to a change in price. On a graph with price on the y-axis, perfectly inelastic demand appears as a vertical demand curve. Its slope is negative infinity, which leads to Ed = 0. Looking at the graph above, we can see that a 5 percent increase in price causes no change in quantity demanded. Therefore, Ed = 0 and demand is perfectly inelastic for the tobacco industry. Hence, manager of a cigarette company within the industry should not worry about the taxation from the government or increase in price due to the external environment due to the inelastic demand for the tobacco industry. (Source by Begg Ward, 2007) The variation in consumer demand for cigarettes with respect to income is ambiguous from a theoretical stand point. Cigarettes consumption could be a normal good for which the level of consumers demand increases with income. Alternatively, it could also be a lower good for which the consumer demand drops with income levels. In either case, the presence of such behavior gives us no guidance whatsoever with respect to the extent to which these decisions are rational. Similarly the other major factor which can be affected by the price of the cigarettes is supply. Supply for a product or a service can be defined as the quantity of a good, seller wishes to sell at each possible price. Supply of a good refers to various quantities of good which a seller is willing and able to sell at different prices in a given market, at a particular point of time, other things remaining the same. An aspect of supply which needs attention is that supply is related to scarcity. It is only the scarce good which has a supply price. On the contrary, goods which are available freely have no supply price, e.g. Air is available freely and hence, does not have a supply price (Begg et al, 2005). According to Philp, Dan and Galt (2009) supply relative to the tobacco industry is reflective of the number of competitors (m) setting the price of providing cigarettes packets as a function of the level of technology (T) determines the price (pt), cost of resources, for example, labour, taxations, substitutes, and quality within the manufacture process (F1, F2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Fm) and other charge (w) i.e. cost of machines and salaries of work force, all add up to become determinants of the number of cigarettes packets to be supplied at each given price. It is represented as QtS = T (pt, F1, F2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Fm, w) Identical to economics in demand, in the analysis of supply all factors are held constant and quantity is seen as a function of price; QtS = T (pt, F1, F2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Fm, w) Graphically illustrated as; From the above figure managers can know that a investing in manufacturing the product needs a certain level of supply to overcome from they break even point, therefore higher the investment in price the more the supply. Hence cigarette manufacturing companies offer different brands for the taste e.g. long cigarettes, strong and light cigarettes. Consequently, the managers will push for a higher supply in p1 to maximize profit. If there is plenty of spare capacity of Cigarettes then a business should be able to increase its output without a rise in costs and therefore supply will be elastic in response to a change in demand. If stocks of raw materials and finished products are at a high level then a firm is able to respond to a change in demand quickly by supplying these stocks onto the market supply will be elastic. Conversely when stocks are low, dwindling supplies force prices higher and unless stocks can be replenished, supply will be inelastic in response to a change in demand. If both capital and labour resources are occupationally mobile then the elasticity of supply for a product is higher than if capital and labour cannot easily and quickly be switched. Supply Elasticity is a measure of the degree of responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in the products own price. Elasticity of supply works similarly. If a change in price results in a big change in the amount supplied, the supply curve appears flatter and is considered elastic. Elasticity in this case would be greater than or equal to one (Lipsey Chrystal, 2004) On the other hand, if a big change in price only results in a minor change in the quantity supplied, the supply curve is steeper and its elasticity would be less than one. As we have seen that demand of cigarette is inelastic we can observe from the graph that supply of cigarette is also inelastic i.e. even a big change in price does not have major change in quantity supplied. It means that when a price increases consumers will not demand for more quantity thats why supply will also remain the same. After knowing that the demand and supply for the tobacco industry is inelastic but the competition within the industry is high. The higher price than the competitors can result less demand for the product, the lower price can increase the demand for the product. It influences managerial decision to look for the new markets where they can reduce their operational and manufacturing cost like cheap labour, as well as look for the new market so that the organisation can generate maximum revenue. This content can be found on the following page: Conclusion This essay completely shows us that how the demand and supply take effects into the market and how principles of demand and supply inform the managerial decision making. From this essay we come to know that the cigarette industry is not that much affected from the higher price that much and its demand in the market is almost remain same. From this essay we come to know that both the supply elasticity and demand elasticity for cigarette industry are inelastic, they are not affected by the price. From the essay we come to know that income effect is significant and positive in case of cigarette industry.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Flowers for Algernon :: Free Essay Writer

Flowers for Algernon "Hurting Charlie" When was the last time you wanted something so much, you would sacrifice your life to have it; even if just for a moment? Charlie Gordon, a 37 year old man with a learning disability, did just that. In the story "Flowers for Algernon", by Daniel Keyes, Charlie gets a chance to alter his I.Q. substantially through operation. The only drawback to this is, the long-term outcomes of the operation are unknown. The operation does succeed, but later Charlie is sent on a riveting downward spiral into the life he tried to run away from. The operation hurt Charlie in every imaginable way; and did nothing to help him. Is it not better to do your best than to be the best? Charlie Gordon was a motivated man who always put forth as much effort as he could! He struggled for independence and freedom in a world he desperately wanted to be a part of. A statement such as, "Im gonna try awful hard" is often heard spoken by Charlie. Everybody notices how hard Charlie tries to be what he considers normal. Dr. Strauss described Charlie best when he said, "But most people of his low mentality are hostile and uncooperative. They are usually dull, apathetic, and hard to reach. He has a good nature. He’s interested and eager to please". If a person is doing the best they can for the circumstances, isn’t that the best? Why should a person feel pressured to be what he isn’t capable of being? After the operation, Charlie first doesn’t even want to try, then can’t remember what it means to try, and finally, doesn’t have hope enough to try. His statement changes from, "Im gonn a try awful hard" to, "maybe its just easier not to do what I say Im going to do"! the thought to try his best never even occurs. He lost one of his most valuable qualities due to his need to conform. If a man does not know of hurt and suffering, he should not have to know. Before Charlie knew the truth of his life and was able to look back on it, he didn’t know of some horrible feelings. He never had to feel ugly, unwanted, alone, and most of all, ashamed. After finding out how all of the men he thought were his friends only used him for free laughs, Charlie feels so humiliated.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Rudyard Kiplings The Light Yhat Failed :: Essays Papers

Rudyard Kiplings The Light Yhat Failed Rudyard Kipling is remembered today mostly as a children's author. Kipling's poetry and adult fiction are both worth serious examination; â€Å"The Light That Failed† is probably the most important of his adult novels, in which he apparently makes the clearest statements of his beliefs about art and the purpose of life. It's a pretty bleak picture he paints, cloaked in finery and delight but at the core full of stoic acceptance of misery, hardship and death. While there is a good deal of this that Kipling probably believed, even a casual examination of his own life suggests that this book is more of a bare-bones explication of the fundamental issues than a fully fleshed out portrait of how an artist ought to live. It's particularly telling in light of this that â€Å"The Light That Failed† is dedicated to his mother. How is someone with an artist's soul to live in a world where, despite all protestations to the contrary, not even the love of a mother -- much less that of any other woman -- can be relied upon? Dick Heldar is an orphan, a young savage who is not civilized by the beatings he gets from Mrs. Jennet, his foster-mother, nor by the contempt he receives from his school-fellows for his cheap and shoddy clothing. Coming out of his childhood, he goes off to wander the world, learns to paint, and finds he can see things that others can't, and capture them on canvas. His childhood companion, Massie, who is aptly described as "an atom" -- indivisible and impenetrable -- also learns to draw, but with considerably less success than Dick as she fails to give her whole life and soul to the work. Dick's career is given its first great boost by a chance meeting with Torpenhow, a Special Correspondent for a news syndicate sent to the Sudan to cover the ultimately unsuccessful expedition to relieve Gordon. Torpenhow sees Dick's talents and immediately signs him up to supply drawings for his syndicate at a pittance. In this world of manly men, it's assumed that the strong will struggle forward on the thinest of chances, and the weak will be swept away. Dick and Torpenhow become close friends in the course of the campaign, but in the midst of a battle Dick is wounded on the head and has a moment's flashback to the world of his childhood and Massie, whom he fell in love with shortly before they last parted.

Young Adults in Macomb County :: Friendships Relationships Essays

Young Adults in Macomb County I've only known a lot of the people I hang out with for about two years. I've kept a few of the old ones that I've known since I was little but now my friends are always changing. That's what happens when you get older, people change and move on. Hopefully I'll hang on to the ones I have now better than I have in the past and make some new ones along the way. It's really weird how everything started. I didn't go to school with the people I hang out with. My best friend Jacki and I decided to go miniature golfing one day and it all began. There were six really slow guys in front of us, we didnà ­t want to talk to them but they were going really slow so we just asked them to hurry up. As we started talking we found out that they knew a kid named Ryan that Jacki worked with. Through Ryan we ended up seeing them again. Eventually we started hanging out with the rest of their friends and everyone became a regular part of my life. I'm standing outside, making sure to ring the top doorbell, the one to Chris' basement. After ten minutes I'm about to leave but Nick comes strolling up to the door just as I turn around. Nick doesn't live there even though it seems like he does because he never leaves. We both walk down into the basement. It smells like his dog. The lights are off and the only thing that keeps me from bumping into the furniture is the glow from the television. The usual people are there, Chris is sitting on the couch next to Tengler, Jeremy is sleeping on his bed and Nick is playing Mario Golf on Nintendo 64. I walk to the big green couch that I always sit on, it smells like dog food. After five minutes of no one saying anything the doorbell rings. Since no one seems to be making any effort to move toward the stairs I decide to answer the door. It's Stephanie and Christina. Trevor and DeMatteis are pulling up in the driveway right behind them. We all walk into the basement. Everyone wa nts something to do.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Homelessness In The Community Essay

Today it is impossible to keep count of the homeless men and women in our city. As we commute through our neighborhoods we see a lot of men and women sleeping on our street corners and highway by passes. As citizens and human beings we must understand that homelessness is a complex issue. Many people are homeless because of economic factors, family relationships, and mental illness. While some people do not have a choice in becoming homeless, there are individuals who make bad choices and even refuse help that is available to them. Many people in the society today feel guilty when approached by any homeless man or woman. Many of the homeless men and women have family and children. But they have chosen to take another route of life. We as people are quick to pass judgment on men and women for being homeless. When we don’t know what events took place in that person life to force them to become homeless. Statistics show people living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless. Economically they are at a higher risk of losing what little they already have. The number of homeless families with children has increased significantly over the past decade. There are approximately 40% of people who are homeless. In rural areas the largest groups of homeless people are families, single mothers, and children. In a 1998 survey of 30 cities,† it was found that the homeless population was 53% African-American, 35% Caucasian, 12% Hispanic, 4% Native-American, and 3% Asian (U.S Conference of Mayors1998). The ethnic makeup of homeless population varies depending upon geographic location.†Homelessness and poverty are closely linked. Poor people commonly are unable to pay for housing, food, child care, health care, and education. Choices must be mad when only their income covers some of these necessities. The world we live in today is very competitive so everyone is working and fighting to survive. This society we live in today is full of different kinds of people. Some have very impressive jobs, cars and houses. But we all have a common struggle many  citizens are just trying to live the American dream. That is full of everyday struggles to stop us from achieving our dream. As a child I am sure these homeless men and women had some type of dream. Rather than just becoming more than just another ordinary person. Many may argue that we choose the life that we live. Personally I agree, we all pick and choose who, what, and where we involve ourselves. The only person who can direct a person future is that person. I’ve only had the opportunity to get a true story to why a person was homeless. Around the age of 12 there was a lady by the name of Betty Rankin. She would always be at the Shell gas station by my house. She became homeless by choice after the passing of her husband. She started to drink stopped paying bills and eventually lost her house and was forced to move with her son. He was a very successful black man with a family of his own. Many days he would come get her and take her home. She always found a way to be unhappy and find her way back to the gas station. About 1 year ago she was raped and killed by another homeless man behind the same store she stood at every day. Past experiences and behaviors can also create significant struggles for individuals and families who are trying to escape homelessness. Being homeless can lead to arrests For behaviors such as trespassing and loitering, criminal offenses such as these, and Certainly more serious convictions can make it difficult to pass a required background check when trying to rent permanent housing. Once they have found a job and trying to turn their life around. In Atlanta, the homeless men and women congregate near Martin Luther King Jr.’s house. Within blocks of the King Center, the homeless find shelter in abandoned or run-down housing. Many Atlanta visitors see many homeless men and women with children on their way to museums and other tourist locations there are panhandlers looking for $2 for lunch. Winter months we find hundreds of homeless people spending the night on the city streets and parks. Hundreds of people swell the bus stations and shelters for warm water and a place to rest. We must do whatever we can to help the homeless. It is really easy to do so. We can volunteer at a shelter, we can protest to the government; we can donate money or clothes. It is such a shame to just sit  back and watch them struggling to survive in a cruel world.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Margaret Atwood; Cat’s Eye Analysis- Refraction and Self Essay

Our e artistic creationhysensical explanations of the universe and ourselves argon problematised by Atwood by dint of and by dint of her novel. Nothing is so nonp atomic number 18ilr as it look outms, when we look at anything (in a mirror, in the past, at other(a)s) it is refracted as if finished with(predicate) water. Discuss the opinions and issues in the novel in relation to this claimment, paying particular solicitude to the techniques and narrative elements use to show this.Our cat valium hotshot explanations of the land be based on the out-and-out(a)s in our lives. Ways of leaveing extradite been soci everyy constructed embedded with values and attitudes that ferment our behaviour and intellection of the creative activity and ourselves. creation cannot be captured and is interpreted unlikely by every unmarried as if refracted through water. frames look is a work of influential English by author Marg art Atwood. The novels teleph adept exchange ara of exploration is of different versions of realism, and the accuracy and truthfulness of our own flocks of how we see the ball and ourselves. These visions are problematised by Atwood, as she uses respective(a) techniques that allow her to discretely hint her idea of null is quite as it seems to position the audience. This results in our own endorsement of these beliefs, and leads us to motility our own lives as just a version of verity, with a fag of disillusionment.Our world and our own lives are challenged by Atwoods novel, as in inquirying the idea of no absolutes and constants in our lives, we as well dumbfound to question the other constants in our confederacy such as religion universe just another version of humanity and not an absolute. This distresses many people and problematises our lives. Measurable, fuckable, constant, and absolute qualities of purport provide security measure in our beliefs and understanding of the world and our place inside it. Absol utes help us make sense of the world, and provide a connection to the world and our own inner selves generating a sense of belonging. Atwood challenges the concept of absolutes, fixed/ cognoscible identities, and common truths through various techniques.She uses narrative elements to proffer her ideas, such as autobiographic indite to encourage us to question the one and lone(prenominal) version of reality that is macrocosm told (through Elaine and her demeanor). Imagery/symbolism and intertextuality are repeat techniques, for example her repetitive use ruminative surfaces such a glass, water and mirrors are all symbols used to question reflection, and how we seeourselves is what we see what we get? These techniques are used in order to provoke self-distrust and insecurity, to unsettle and complicate the way we see ourselves and our world, through the provocative questions that it asks of us. Cats eye challenges the naturalized and socially constructed views and encourages th e contributor to question the dominant views of the world and themselves. warp is the distortment of unaffixed, as it travels, its broken-up as it changes and moves through different mediums. Atwood uses refraction as a symbol re bear witnessing the key belief that our vision of life and ourselves is refracted, broken up, distorted, and that as a result our perceptions arent always accurate. Atwood uses Elaines second encounter at the twosome to imply that our views, especially on other people are refracted, and not unavoidably as they seem to be. Cordelia is seen to effect Elaine the closely significantly, and it is not until the end of the book, when Elaine is finally approach shot back to herself (the bridge) that Elaine realises that Cordelia was not what she seemed to be.There is the analogous shame, the sick feeling in my body, the kindred knowledge of my own wrongness, awkwardness, weakness the alike wish to be loved the uniform loneliness the same fear. But these are not my own emotions anymore. They are Cordelias as they always were.It is only at the end of Elaines life when she realizes that her emotions that traumatized her childhood (and adult life) were in fact Cordelias, who in order to escape them and cope transferred them to Elaine. Elaine feels stronger with this knowledge and finally releases Cordelia, as the Virgin bloody shame once released her Its ok, you can go firm now.Elaines mourning is over and she is big of Cordelia, she can see clearly now- The reverse in my eyes withdraws like skunk and is starting to make sense of her past. Atwood also uses Elaines misconception of Cordelia to exemplify how our refracted view of others substantially affects our view of ourselves and the world our experience of the present is coloured by our past events. Elaine realises that all these years, she still did not know Cordelia, back up Atwoods dispute of the notion that on that point can really be a fixed and cognoscible individual ity. Atwood employs this metaphor in order to position the reader to be receptive to the ideathat our views on others, the world, and ourselves are not absolute but equivocal.In Cats center of attention the origin person limited narration is fallible in the sense that Elaine cannot see enough either because of her own maturation and desires and the forces condition them, or of the consequences of her choices. The novel questions whether lives, stories or autobiographical narratives can ever be accurate. A novel that presents a straightforward one-dimensional narrative that moves through events sequentially and constructs a complete set of ideas about life that seem elemental. It accepts that our experience of life, our thoughts and feeling, motivations, movement through time our very representation in a literary text, can be captured accurately. It implies order, coherence, unity and stability a logical basis for our actions and thoughts thus presenting a conservative world view.The structure of Cats Eye serves as a critique of this unproblematic view of the world. The novel constantly shifts in the midst of past and present and her narration as a young Elaine and an old Elaine. This chemise represents Elaines life, as she feels it is barley comprehensible. Because the tarradiddle is written in first person, its only presents one version of reality- Elaines version. This leads us to question Elaines version and its accuracy. Atwoods purpose behind this is to bring to light the complexity of character in Elaine, and highlight her struggle in coming to harm with her own identity. This challenge on the common qualities of autobiographical narratives even leads the reader to question Cats Eye as just another version of reality that is presented to us in life.Atwood questions the belief that the individual is knowable and that appearance corresponds with fixed reality she critiques the notion that reality can be captured. This is shown through her questi oning of autobiographical writing, and is perpetuated through the use of Elaines characterizations at her mattering Sub-versions. Cordelia subjected Elaine to subtle, psychological strong-arm as a child, and destroyed her self-confidence, which lasts well into her adult life. Her art is a way of expressing these bottled-up emotions and a mean of dealing with her trauma her art presents a different version of reality of her life, one that she is unable toconfront in her routine life. I can no nightlong control these paintings, or tell them what to mean. any(prenominal) energy they save came out of me. Im whats left over. by her art she exerts a power that she did have in her childhood, taking revenge on Mrs. Smeath and confronting other issues such as her bullying in the painting Cats Eye, where Elaine appropriates the idea of the pier glass reflecting figures outdoors the frames of the main picture.This glass hangs behind a self-portrait that shows only half of Elaines hea d and incorporates signs of aging. In her childhood the common chord girls guide her from behind yet the young Elaine in the picture is turned around, facing her tormentors. The painting symbolises the claiming and relinquishing of control. The child, Elaine looks back at the three girls, the adult Elaine looks back at the extraneous viewer. The back of the head is crucial a mirror that shows only the ruined half of your face. Elaines art reflects the psychological state she is in and has faced in her childhood. This is typic of Elaine looking back on her life and seeing her childhood in a different light-Nothing is what it really seems. The art gallery is appropriately named, contributing to Atwoods surmisal Life is a series of different and conflicting versions of reality, identity and reality are not fixed and the concept of use up truth can never be captured.Atwoods novel Cats Eye shapes the reality by which we view the world and ourselves. Our lives operate around securi ty (especially of ourselves) and we generate and understanding and connect ourselves to the world through various versions of reality that we pay back to become believed absolutes upon which we base our lives Without the fixed reality we create for ourselves and the absolutes that structure our lives, our sense of purpose, and implication diminishes. Distress is brought upon us through Cats Eye because Atwood critiques our quest for identity as she suggests that we will never know ourselves and will never have a fixed identity.It is therefore the readers choice on weather to comprehend the notions Atwood is proffering. Atwood uses varied techniques and narrative elements such as imagery, symbolism, and the narrative point of view to pertain her beliefs. Through the particular employment of these techniques Atwood strengthens her crusade to the reader and positions them to support her indited criticisms of a knowable identity, and a fixed reality and truth. Cats Eye challenges th emeasurable, and the way we qualify things as knowable and existing and a truth.BibliographyAtwood, Margaret, Cats Eye, Penguin, Montreal 1968

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

A leader is.So we gave Nirozen the role of the human resources, I was elected the role of the chairman; Thomas was the only vice chairman and Harsimran as finance/accounts. The role of the marketing was given to Eugene.Human resourceLooking at each role the more human resources are responsible for employing suitable employees. Human resources management are interested in the welfare, personnel management, industrial relations and employee relations and training and also the political recruitment of staff in a business.Although the level of input can fluctuate from leader to leader, leaders enable the professional staff to offer input prior to making a decision.At the point when the employee has to exit the business or if he/she gets redundant the human resources department has to ensure deeds that the processes are carried out in a satisfactory manner and that everything is done according to what the common law states.Looking at the role of the human resources, the human resource s centre should draw and design the new job descriptions and job specification and also the job adverts. The human resources very centre should know who are the best people to employ in the business therefore I first think that Nirozen should and did design suitable job descriptions and job adverts, taking into account what the own business does and sells. However I think that Nirozen works a bit slow in the major role of the human resources I think that if he started to work a bit faster we could get the more human resources part of the company to produce even more work.

Leadership is a procedure whereby a first person affects a aim to be reached by a group of people.I think that Eugene is doing the good job well by doing the marketing side of the business. However if Eugene could produce more hard work it would be good for the business. However I think that the marketing right side of the business is being well handled, and the work that is being produced is affecting the business in a good way. Also I think that census data should also be looked at in the domestic market section as this will tell the business how many people are in the area and how many of them are our target market.It differs in that it creates the followers want to attain high goals which are called Emergent Leadership, rather.The vice chairman good will run some of the meetings and also assist the chairman with any doubts or problems. try This will take some of the burden of my shoulder.ChairmanA chairman/chairperson is the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, com mittee, or other deliberative body.Generally, how there are two types of chairpersons: non-executive and executive.

Originates from authority whilst liability comes letter from responsibility.As I am the chairman, I have to organise and run the meetings. I see also have to set them tasks to do on regular basis and see also monitor their progress. I also have to help them when getting there are in need of assistance.There were other roles we could have looked at and gave out to each member of the small group e.Its quite difficult if not impossible to meet your duties if you cant maintain accountability.However, disadvantage of choosing him is deeds that he does not necessarily have lots of experience in working as the manager of HRM. Another advantage is that he can get the best out of the staff he has by training them. Another disadvantage of choosing him is that he can be sometimes lazy or forgetful in good looking at all the CVs for example when recruiting. Overall, I believe we have made a legal right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the necessary skills to do the jo b.

Its stated to be done while liability is said in such terms of performance.Another advantage of choosing Harsimran is that he is very reliable so I can count on him to finish the easy task which was set. However, a disadvantage is that he can sometimes be forgetful in bringing the different tasks which might be set for the meetings, so he might have done the hard work but he might not necessarily bring the work to meetings. Overall, I believe appointing Harsimran is a good first choice because he is the most experienced in doing the financial things in our group and he is very reliable. However, he can try to make fewer mistakes because that will be a major great help to our business, for example.Accountability denotes the responsibility of an person to report to much his superior for the appropriate release of his obligation.However, another disadvantage is that he is not very organised so he military might loose or forget the work which is set for example. Overall, I’m not extremely pleased with the new appointment of Eugene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a key role to our success as a company. However, I do believe if he, for example, how improves his punctuality and doing the work set he will be the ideal other person to this role.Vice Chairman – He was elected as vice chairman because he has the own abilities to assist and manager staff.

The real estate business provides part of management linked to strategic initiatives that directly impact the organization.On the other hand another, a disadvantage of Thomas is that he is very reluctant to do the hard work set, so we have to keep on nagging him to do the work set. Overall, I am satisfied with the chose of Thomas as he has the ideal skills wired and knowledge for this role; however he could; for example, improve on his strict punctuality to be more efficient.Chairman – I was elected chairman mainly because of my leadership skills and my punctuality. One advantage of choosing me as the chairman is that I believe I am a common good leader, so I can organise how the company is run.Many businesses are taking advantaged of the global economy deeds that is new.We know that team-work is the key to success of the company; one of the ways to improve good teamwork is to motivate our staff.Ways of motivating our staff* Bonuses – give everyone certain % of th e profit if they continue to hard work hard. This helps them motivated and to work harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally believe how this is a good strategy of motivating the staff as bonuses acts like an incentive unlooked for them to work harder, however, when we give bonuses we have to keep in mind the side-effects.

The very first thing management is run an audit.* Give praise – give praises if they how have done a good job. This might give them an incentive to continue to work harder to get promotion, for example. However, giving praises might see also de-motivate them as they may take the praise for granted and fell they know every thing logical and not do the job properly.* Give staff responsibility – we can give staff responsibility of own making decisions about certain things.Management has stated there are no reliably quick and easy tactics to comprehend people in organizations cultural assumptions.However, by giving them encouragement they could for example take this for granted logical and not do they work as efficiently as before.Team-workWe can use several strategies to improve how our team working. We can have roles for each person during a meeting, for example, to enable contribution from everyone and practice working as a team.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) â₠¬â€œ Tries to maintain social harmony among the team members.

Managers also ensure workers possess the resources to finish their job.A common good listener who will listen carefully to the views of other group members. Good judge of people. Diplomatic logical and sensitive to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. Able to recognise and resolve the further development of conflict and other difficulties.Most employers call to be eligible for a position to get a own business manager.Goes into detail about how group plans would work.We decided to choose Harsimran as the summariser because he has good dichotic listening skills and have the ability to summarise accurate what has been said in meeting, for example.Ideas other person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests new ideas to solve group problem or new ways for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not too concerned with practicalities.

Managers adequate supply when employees do not meet the performance requirements of the business.Encourager (Thomas) – Energises groups when human motivation is low through humour or being enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and highest praise other group members. They may use humour to break tensions in the group.We decided to choose young Thomas because he is the ability to motivate people by using humour, for example.He gives shape to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. Leaders how are outgoing individuals who have to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes german steamroller the team but get results.E is for EnthusiasmBut as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic.A is for AccountabilityEvery member is accountable not only to his whole team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.